YOUR MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS' ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE LICENSE Even though the program is shareware, and can be freely copied, there are still some limitations to protect the quality of the distribution of the program and to support future development. Users of MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS' MODAR1 software may make copies of this program for trial use by others on a PRIVATE NON-COMMERCIAL BASIS. By accepting and using this software, you acknowledge that this software may not suit your particular requirements or be completely trouble-free. With proper application, this software will perform as described. However, MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS is not responsible for your specific application or any problems resulting from use of this software. If the software does not perform as described, our liability to you is limited to replacing the software or refunding the purchase price (if pur chased and registered). We have no liability to you or any other person or entity for any damage or loss, including special, incidental, or consequen tial damages, caused by this software, directly or indirectly. Some states do not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or con sequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of New York. Should any part of this agreement be held invalid, the remainder of the Agreement will still be in effect. This Agreement can only be modified by written state ment signed by MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS. Under this license, you may NOT: 1) Distribute the program in connection with any other product or service, or as part of a corporate or institutionally sponsored distribution. Site licenses and bundling agreements are available upon request. 2) Charge anything for MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS' MODAR1. An exception is made for registered user groups who may charge a cost-based fee (not to exceed $10) to cover their own costs. 3) Distribute the program in modified form. 4) Copy or reproduce the printed documentation in any form. THE SHAREWARE CONCEPT MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS' MODAR1 is distributed through a unique marketing approach called shareware. The diskette with programs on it can be freely copied and shared. It is also available from us, MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS, for $20.00 plus $2 shipping and handling. We ask you to help us distribute MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS' BILLING by sharing unmodified copies of the diskette with others. We also encourage you and those to whom you have distributed the program to register your copy. Registration has a number of benefits to you: 1) You will receive the latest copy of the manual, including all recent updates, additions, complete table of contents and index. 2) The most recent version of the program. 3) Automatic notice of updates. 4) You will be supporting the concept that allowed you to receive MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS' MODAR1 in the first place. Only through user support can be continue to improve MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS' MODAR1 and perhaps develop other products. Only by supporting the program's authors who release valuable programs as shareware can you encourage others to do the same. NO-QUIBBLE LICENSE AGREEMENT YOU ARE IMPORTANT TO US AS A CUSTOMER AND WE RESPECT YOUR NEEDS We know that it's extremely important to you that our software be easy to use, and so our disks contain only standard unprotected files with no 'fingerprints' and requiring no special installation routines. This means that you can install our files on hard disks with no fear of future problems. Our only concession to copy protection is that our program code is encrypted with serial number and/or user/s name which appears on the screen and makes each disk traceable. Our software license restriction is essentially that each licensed copy of the software must be used on ONLY ONE COMPUTER AT A TIME. BY USING THIS SOFTWARE YOU INDICATE YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THE THIS SOFTWARE LICENSING AGREEMENT. We hope you will find the program useful and will support the shareware concept by registering your copy with us. Please use the registration form on the next page. In the event that the REGISTRATION FORM is missing, you can receive one from us by writing to: MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS 63 Sudbury Lane Westbury, New York 11590 or by calling: (516) 333-9178 There is no charge for the registration form. Even if you do not decide to send in the $20.00 purchase cost, you should register your copy with us. We only want those who find the program useful to purchase it. We appreciate your passing of the programs on to friends and fellow workers. MANUAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the contents of this manual and we ask that you please inform Modern Microcomputers if any errors are detected. The above notwithstanding, Modern Microcomputers can assume no responsibility for errors in this manual or for their consequences, and the contents of this manual are subject to change without notice. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS FOR MODAR1 IBM PC/XT/AT OR IBM COMPATIBLE computer with hard disk. MS-DOS 2.1 (PC-DOS 2.1) or higher. 256K RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY 2 REGISTRATION FORM ----------------- If you purchased MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS' MODAR1 directly from MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS in your own name, then your copy is already registered and you will receive all the benefits of registration. You do not need to send in a registration form. If you received MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS' MODAR1 some other way, you may register your copy by filling out the following form and mailing it to the listed address along with $20.00 + $2.00 shipping. You will promptly receive a printed manual and the latest version of MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS' MODAR1 along with a special software disk containing a series of financial programs. We will also place you on our update list so that you will automatically be notified of any changes to the program. Once your copy of MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS' MODAR1 is registered, you will be entitled to unlimited telephone support by calling (516) 333-9178 during business hours (10:00am - 3:00pm New York time). In addition, you will be supporting software distributed under the shareware concept and will be contributing to the further development of MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS' MODAR1 and other shareware products. Mail To: MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS 63 Sudbury Lane Westbury, N.Y. 11590 NAME ______________________________________________ COMPANY ___________________________________________ ADDRESS ___________________________________________ CITY/STATE ________________________________________ ZIP ______________________________ How did you first learn about MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS' MODAR1 or where did you first obtain a copy of MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS' MODAR1? ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 3 MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES Introduction THIS IS THE MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS' ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES SYSTEM You have just acquired one of the most complete Accounts Receivables programs on the market. It was written in such a way as to incorporate many of the features of programs costing up to ten times the cost of this package. Before you begin using the Software Package you should read the beginning sections of this manual carefully. We have discovered that most problems occur because the user does not take time to read the manual and understand the philosophy of the system. Please take the time. It will prevent problems from occurring and make life easier for you. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS makes no warranties with respect to the PROGRAMS, the sole obligation is to make available all published modifications or updates to all registered licensees, at the then current market price. There are no warranties of the suitability of the PROGRAMS or the suitability of the PROGRAM edit functions to any application or to any central processor. MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RELATING TO OR ARISING FROM THE APPLICATION OF THE PROGRAMS. T R A D E M A R K The names Modern Microcomputers, MODSTAT, MODBILL, MODFIN, and C.P.A. Client Write-Up are trademarks of Modern Microcomputers. References are made throughout this manual MS-DOS and PC-DOS which are trademarks of International Business Machines (IBM) and Microsoft Corporation. The BASIC language referred to in this manual is compiled Borland TurboBASIC. NOTE - NOTE - NOTE - NOTE - NOTE Place all of the programs in a sub-directory off your root directory of your hard disk, Drive 'C'. Name the sub-directory ACCT-REC. Put a BATCH file on the root directory called ACCT-REC.BAT The batch file should contain the following: C: CD\ CD ACCT-REC MENU You can prepare this batch file by logging onto the root directory of your hard drive. Type CD\ from anyplace on drive 'C'. This returns you to the root directory. Now type the following: COPY CON ACCT-REC.BAT C: CD\ CD ACCT-REC MENU Now depress the F6 key and then . This completes the setup of the batch file. In order to run the programs you simply type ACCT-REC while in the root directory. MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES Getting Ready DON'T WORRY. YOU LEARNED MANY THINGS IN YOUR LIFE WHICH WERE MUCH MORE DIFFICULT TO LEARN THAN A COMPUTER SOFTWARE PROGRAM. BY NECESSITY, ANY GOOD SOFTWARE PROGRAM APPEARS COMPLICATED AT FIRST BECAUSE OF ALL THE FEATURES AND OPTIONS WHICH MAY BE PRESENT. BY DECIDING TO USE A COMPUTER AND SOFTWARE TO HELP IN YOUR ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE WORK YOU MAY HAVE TO CHANGE SOME OF THE METHODS USED IN YOUR OFFICE. DON'T BE WORRIED ABOUT MAKING THE CHANGES. OFTEN PEOPLE DON'T LIKE CHANGE, BUT YOU WILL QUICKLY SEE THAT THE CHANGES SAVE BOTH TIME AND EFFORT. DON'T BE INTIMIDATED BY THE LENGTH OF THIS MANUAL. THIS IS A SYSTEM WITH MANY FEATURES. YOU MAY NOT USE ALL THE FEATURES FOR EACH CLIENT BUT YOU WILL FIND THAT MANY OF THEM CAN BE USED ON A SELECTIVE BASIS. IF THIS IS YOUR FIRST EXPERIENCE WITH EITHER AN ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE SOFTWARE PACKAGE OR A COMPUTER, DON'T WORRY. YOU WILL GAIN BOTH KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE BY FOLLOWING THROUGH WITH THIS MANUAL. DON'T EXPECT TO LEARN IT ALL AT ONE SITTING. DON'T GET UPSET IF YOU THINK YOU HAVE MADE A MISTAKE. THE SYSTEM WILL ALLOW YOU TO RECOVER FROM ALMOST ANY MISTAKE YOU MIGHT MAKE. THE RECOVERY IS BOTH SIMPLE AND QUICK. DON'T JUMP RIGHT IN AND TRY TO DO EVERYTHING. WORK YOUR WAY ALONG AT A PACE WHICH WILL ALLOW YOU TO THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND WHAT THE MACHINE IS DOING. ONCE YOU GAIN INSIGHT INTO WHAT IS HAPPENING YOU WILL FIND THAT THINGS SPEED UP AND THAT CONFIDENCE BUILDS. WE STAND READY TO HELP. IF YOU CAN'T FIGURE OUT WHAT MAY BE WRONG WHILE MOVING THROUGH THIS MANUAL OR WHILE WORKING WITH THE SOFTWARE AND/OR THE MANUAL DOESN'T SEEM TO COVER THE SITUATION, CALL US BETWEEN 10:00 A.M. AND 3:00 P.M. NEW YORK TIME. IF WE MISS YOUR CALL OUR ANSWERING SERVICE WILL TAKE THE MESSAGE. WE WILL RETURN ALL CALLS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS 63 SUDBURY LANE WESTBURY, NEW YORK 11590 (516) 333-9178 REMEMBER TO REGISTER YOUR COPY - ONLY $20.00 SUPPORT THE SHAREWARE CONCEPT DID YOU KNOW WE HAVE OTHER SHAREWARE PRODUCTS? MODBILL4 is designed for professional billing. It is very good for accountants, lawyers, consultants and others who must bill their clients both on a regular and irregular basis. It have a unique repetitive billing feature. $20.00 + $2.00 postage and handling. MODSTAT1 is a complete set of statistical programs which can be used at the college or university level. It contains programs which help masters and doctoral students in the design of their investigations and the analysis of their data. Also only $20.00 + $2.00 postage and handling. MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES Introduction The set of programs encoded on the disks will supply the user with the ability to handle many functions concerned with Accounts Receivables. The user will be able to: * Set up information for his own company, * Set up information for up to a total of 2,500 customers containing: 1. Customer Name, 2. Customer Address, 3. Type of customer, either to be billed showing all information or to be billed showing only balance forward, 4. If the customer is to be automatically billed a set amount each month (This can be over-ridden), 5. Amount to be billed automatically, if any, 6. Amount of tax to be added to each invoice, if any, (8 tax zones available), 7. Amount outstanding, if any, 8. Total amount paid for the year, if any, 9. Total number of transactions for the year, if any, * Debit customer directly without involving invoices, * Credit customers with payments including provisions for early payment discounts which may have been taken by the customer, * Prepare an invoice for a customer which can contain up to 36 separate items, freight costs, taxes and miscellaneous costs, * Automatically prepare invoices for automatic billing customers if so desired, * Print out transaction reports showing all billing and credits for a set period of time. This shows taxes, discounts, freight, miscellaneous costs, charges and credits, * Print out statements at any time for all customers, only those with action and for any individual customer. Over due amounts can be flagged if so desired, * Print out reports of all invoices sent at a given time during the month showing all information in summarized form, * Print out reports of all statements sent showing all information in summarized form, * Do two types of aging reports showing summarized information or complete information for all customers, only those with action, or a specific customer. These can be printed or viewed on the console, * Produce an Overdue Accounts Report based on any number of days overdue, * Print reports (or on console) showing information about all customers, those with action or any specific customer, * Print mailing labels for all customers, those with action or any specific customer. MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES The Files The system finds each customer by entering either the customer name OR the customer number. In this way any of the up to 2,500 customers can be located very rapidly, (within 1/2 second). The system maintains a number of files which contain: information regarding the customer, the most recently entered information, information entered but not yet printed in invoice form, information not yet involved with statements, information previously shown on statements. The general monthly routine would be to: 1. Enter debits for customers either directly or by invoice, 2. Automatically invoice customers who have a set monthly fee, such as a maintenance charge, if you have any, 3. Send invoices if you want, 4. Enter credits, at any time, to any customer upon receipt of payments, 5. Print transaction reports during the month, daily, weekly, or whenever you want, 6. Transfer the data from the transaction file to the permanent file, either after printing each transaction report or at any other time, 7. Send out statements, 8. Print out aging reports showing all detail to date, 9. Print out a report showing customer overdue upon your selection of a time period, such as 45 days, 10 Print out customer reports showing all information to date, 11. Consolidate the permanent file. 12. Print out any month end reports, aging, etc. Begin the next month. INFORMATION GOES INTO A TEMPORARY TRANSACTION FILE FIRST. THE INFORMATION IN THE TEMPORARY TRANSACTION FILE PRODUCES INVOICES IF SO DESIRED. THE TEMPORARY TRANSACTION FILE PRODUCES THE TRANSACTION FILE REPORTS. THE INFORMATION MUST BE TRANSFERRED FROM THE TEMPORARY TRANSACTION FILE TO THE PERMANENT FILE BEFORE SENDING STATEMENTS. THIS CLEARS THE TEMPORARY TRANSACTION FILE. AFTER STATEMENTS HAVE BEEN SENT THE PERMANENT FILE MUST BE CONSOLIDATED TO REMOVE (MATCH) DEBITS AND CREDITS. REGISTER YOUR COPY TODAY! MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES Reference In order to make it a little easier for the first-time user this section will act as a reference in case the notation used in the manual becomes confusing. Computers are not smart. You are smart for using a computer. Computers don't know what to do. Programmers, like the one who produced the software you are about to use, have to instruct the computer, step by step, exactly what to do. Most computer programs, this one included, require that the user interact with the computer by means of the keyboard. Keyboards vary among computers but one key must appear on all keyboards in some form. It is the key which must be depressed to inform the computer that the user has completed any specific entry. For example, suppose the screen asks you the following question: HOW OLD ARE YOU _ Some computers will automatically place a question mark (?) after the word YOU. Others will not. Some will present a small dashed line just after the word YOU, others may show a blinking line, and still others may present you with a bright rectangle or a long bar of light to show where you should place your answer. Some day you may have to simply respond by voice, but for now, the keyboard does the job. (Oh, yes, we know there are Touch- Screens, Light-Pens, Joy Sticks and Mice or is it mouses?) To respond to the above question simply type your age, 21, by depressing the number '2' key and then depressing the number '1' key. It makes no difference if you use the row of keys at the top of the keyboard or the keypad of number keys at the side. Some keyboards don't have the upper row, some don't have the keypad but all must have some way to type in numbers. If you can't figure it out, see your operator's manual which came with the computer. Now that you have typed in the two numbers, what next? The computer still patiently waits. It will continue waiting until you depress one more key. It is identified in different ways on the keyboard. Various names are RETURN, ENTER, ENT, RET, CR, and on some machines, some form of an arrow. Again, if you are confused, see your operator's manual. Depressing this key informs the computer that you have completed your entry. What kind of questions will you have to answer? We have given the example of inputting numbers (notice the use of the computer word, inputting). This is just a fancy way of saying 'entering'. You can also enter letters of the alphabet. Some keyboards allow both upper and lower case letter production by using the shift key or setting a shift lock key or even by using a key marked 'ALTERNATE' or 'ALT'. The method is the same. Type your input, such as, ROBERT and then depress the ENTER or RETURN key. Throughout the manual we will use the notation to indicate when you should depress the ENTER or RETURN key. The stands for 'carriage return' which is the notation that has been used since the old Key Punch machines were used with the first computers. You can also enter various symbols but with this program you will be limited to such things as the plus (+) and minus signs (-), the decimal point (.) and the asterisk (*). Of course you DO NOT TYPE THE PARENTHESES. In addition, you may want to enter the dollar sign ($). NEVER ENTER THE DOLLAR SIGN, it will totally confuse the machine. It is a good idea to enter only UPPER CASE letters of the alphabet when responding to questions such as DO YOU WANT A HARD COPY (Y or N) . MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES Reference Take a moment to note that you are being offered a choice of either YES or NO but you only have to type in the first letter, Y or N. In addition there is a letter Y enclosed in brackets . This is called a DEFAULT. It means that if you depress the ENTER or RETURN key the machine will understand it to mean YES. This saves you a keystroke but it also indicates the usual answer at that point in the program. If no DEFAULT is shown and you simply depress the RETURN or ENTER key the program will PROMPT you to respond again in the correct fashion. A PROMPT is computer language for what appears on the screen in the form of a question or direction. One direction you will see many times is, Depress RETURN to continue. That is a prompt instructing you to depress the return key when you are ready to continue. This prompt is generally used when you are getting ready to use the printer. It allows the computer to stop and wait while you make sure the printer is on and the paper or forms are adjusted properly. When you are entering the names of customers and their addresses it is permissible for you to use LOWER CASE letters such as, Modern Microcomputers rather than MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS if you think that looks better in reports and on statements. This system is driven (another computer word) by MENUS. A menu is nothing but a listing of various actions you can select to perform. In most cases each item has a number and you select the action by typing in (input ting or entering) the number you want followed by depressing the RETURN . Most menus also include a way to move to a different menu or to show additional selections. Sometimes you will select an action on a menu and find that a second, or SUB-MENU will appear that requires you to make another selection. For example, you may select an item from a menu for a report. The sub-menu may give you the options of viewing the report on the screen or getting a HARDCOPY. A hardcopy (computer language) is a printout on the printer. Now some technical things. If you are familiar with your computer you may want to skip this section. Your computer must store information for later use. Some information is stored in the computer's RAM (Random Access Memory) so that it can be worked on very quickly. Other information is magnetically written onto some external material. This may be a 'Floppy Disk', a 'Hard' or 'Rigid' disk, or magnetic tape. This externally stored information remains on the disk or tape until you or the program removes or overwrites it with new information. The information in the RAM remains only while the machine is turned on. If the computer goes off for some reason, that information is lost. These programs are designed to keep as little information in RAM as possible in case there is a power failure. Important information is written to the disk as soon as possible after entry. This is designed to protect you and your valuable data, but, problems can still happen if there is an interruption of electricity. You will notice the drive light coming on and turning off during the process of running the programs indicating that information is being stored on the hard disk. Although the current Hard Disks which are supplied with today's computers are very reliable, with a Mean Life Before Failure of over 20,000 hours, they can and probably will, at sometime down the road, fail. MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES Reference It is a wise procedure to make backup (duplicate) copies of your data whenever you feel that they contain enough information so that it would become difficult to re-enter that information. Some users make a backup copy each day at the close of business. Backup copies take about two to three minutes and it is time well spent. As you are working with a programs you will be requested to make backup copies of various files at certain points during the program. You might also want to backup the data onto a floppy disk at that time. We will explain how to do this later in the manual. These programs are designed for a Hard Disk system. The original programs however, are supplied on floppy disks. The floppy disks will be inserted into Drive 'A' of your computer. The Hard Drive is referred to as Drive 'C'. When the programs are transferred to the Hard Disk they original disks will create a Sub-Directory called ACCT-REC. There will also be a BATCH file produced in the C: Root Directory. In order to run the programs you must boot your system and then type ACCT-REC. This activates the BATCH file, transfers you to the correct Sub-directory and starts the programs. If you prefer, you can use the CD ACCT-REC command from the root directory and then type MENU followed by depressing the RETURN key. SOME DOs AND DON'Ts DON'T turn on a computer with disks in the drives. (NEVER, NEVER) DON'T turn off a computer with disks in the drives. (NEVER, NEVER) Many computer experts recommend that you NEVER turn off a computer that has a Hard Disk. When you are finished for the day, simply turn off the monitor. Blank diskettes DO cost only $3 each. Every hour spent entering information to the computer represents approximately $23.50 (as reported by the CPA Journal). If you enter data for a full year, that is approximately $30,000.00. That is 10,000 times the cost of a diskette. Make backup copies of the files on the hard disk. You will be asked to enter your company information as the first step in setting up the system. This information will be printed at the top of some reports, on all invoices and on all statements. You will be asked how many customers you intend to use. We suggest you set up your system to hold at least 1,000 customers, even if you don't ever intend to use this many. The system works just as rapidly with 2,500 customers as it does with 100 customers and the extra space can be used by the machine for various other purposes. You will be asked about each customer you enter. You can, of course, change any of the material concerning a customer at any time. MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES Basic Information When entering information regarding a customer you must indicate if the customer will be a (R)egular customer or a (B)alance forward customer. Regular customers will receive statements showing each and every transaction made during the transaction period. Balance forward customers will receive statements showing only the total of all debits and credits for the trans action period. In addition, at the statement printing time, you will be able to instruct the machine to show only the balance forward from the last statement or all outstanding transactions for the (R)egular customers. In effect, you can produce three types of statements. You can indicate an amount of money which you want to have appear on all statements for specific customers who are referred to as Automatically billed customers. Then, at statement time, you can simply have the machine bill these customers. You can of course, add other charges to these customers if you so desire. This feature may help with customers that you bill on a flat rate basis, such as a service charge, each month. OK, Now lets set up the computer to run the programs for a company. TURN ON YOUR COMPUTER AND BOOT YOUR SYSTEM. With the IBM PC and com patibles, depress the Control, Alternate and Delete keys at the same time. If you are unsure of how to boot your system, refer to the computer manual for your unit. The system should 'boot' and the C> prompt will appear if you are booting directly from the Hard Disk. If you are requested to enter the date and time, do so. There may be other information on the screen but don't concern yourself with that. Depress the CAPS LOCK key. On some computers this will cause a light to show that the system is now in the capital lock position, on others, there is no indication. Later you can enter things in lower case but for now, CAPITALS are better. Please refer back to the section on INTRODUCTION and install the programs and the batch file as directed. Type ACCT-REC and depress the RETURN key. Each entry is terminated with the depressing of the RETURN key. We will use the notation when that is to be done. Remember, the machine waits to accept your input until you depress the RETURN key. Before going any further, you should look up in your printer manual to find the control codes which are used to move the paper to the top of the next page and the control codes to set your printer into compressed print mode and to remove it from the compressed print mode and set it back to the normal print mode. The numbers will be required for entry on the first screen you will see. The numbers are entered only the very first time you set up the programs and will not have to be re-entered again unless you change your printer to some other make. If you do change the printer, or run into any confusion on the set-up of the printer controls and the programs seem to be running 'crazy", simply delete the file called FORM by using the ERASE function. MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES TUTORIAL The computer will respond with: *************************************************************************** * MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE PROGRAMS * * * * * * * * IN THE EVENT OF A PROBLEM WITH THESE PROGRAMS * * CONTACT MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS IMMEDIATELY. * * You must now enter the character controls which move the paper in * * the printer to the top of the next page, the controls to cause * * compressed print and the controls to cause the printer to return * * to the normal print mode. * * * * Some controls require that you input more than one value. Continue * * to input the necessary values, one by one, until they are all entered * * and then enter a 0. The 0 will indicate that the entries are complete * * for that function. If your printer does not have the compressed print * * function, simply enter a NO at that point. * * * * You may now enter a CODE WORD to be used at certain places * * in the programs. Please make a record of the word so that * * you will not forget it. Please enter the word _ * * * By this time I am sure you know the blinking _ is called the cursor. I am going to enter KNODT as my code word and follow with . Before going any further, make sure that the number lock is in the number position and not the cursor position so that the keypad, if you have one, will operate properly. The code used by most printers to move to the top of the next page is simply 12. Enter 12 and then 0 . The 0 tells the machine you have completed entering the control codes for the desired function * * * Enter the printer top-of-form controls, one-by-one, follow with 12 * * Enter the printer top-of-form controls, one-by-one, follow with 0 * * * * DOES THE PRINTER HAVE COMPRESSED PRINT MODE (Y or N) * * * If it does type Y and , if not, type N . If you respond Y then the computer will reply with * * * Enter the controls to turn on the compressed print mode_ * * * The Xerox Diablo and Qume Sprint 5 use 27 31 9 0 The TI 800 series uses 27 55 0 Most Epson printer use 27 15 0 For others, consult the printer manual. MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES Setting Controls * * * Enter the controls to put the printer back into ordinary print mode_ * * * Xerox Diablo and Qume Sprint 5 use 27 31 12 0 TI 800 printers use 27 54 0 Epson printers use 27 80 0 For others, consult the printer manual. If you do answer Y for compressed print the computer will automatically shift into this mode when printing reports. These reports will then fit on ordinary 8-1/2" by 11" paper. If you prefer to use the wide paper for reports, indicate that the printer does not have the compressed print ability. If everything is correct the screen should clear and the computer should may now request: (If your computer keeps on-board time, this doesn't show.) * * * PLEASE ENTER TODAY'S DATE (MMDDYY)_ * * * All dates are entered in this fashion, 031284 being March 12, 1984. THE MACHINE WILL NOT CHECK FOR LEGAL DATES. BE SURE YOU ENTER DATES IN THIS FASHION ONLY! I am going to use 010188 to represent January 1, 1988 Before going further please note that you will NOT have to answer the questions regarding the printer again. This is done ONLY when you use the system for the first time. The information is now recorded on the disk. The first menu gives you 15 choices *************************************************************************** * * * You may now: * * * * 1. ENTER OR ADJUST COMPANY INFORMATION <==You want * * 2. ENTER CUSTOMER INFORMATION * * 3. CHANGE CUSTOMER INFORMATION * * 4. ENTER CREDIT TRANSACTIONS * * 5. ENTER DEBIT TRANSACTIONS * * 6. VIEW TRANSACTIONS * * 7. DELETE TRANSACTIONS * * 8. ENTER INVOICES * * 9. PRINT OR VIEW INVOICES * * 10. PRINT REPORTS, STATEMENTS, LABELS * * 11. TRANSFER DATE TO PERMANENT FILE * * 12. CONSOLIDATE MASTER FILE * * 13. YEAR END FILE CLEARANCE AND REPORT * * 14. CHANGE INFORMATION IN THE PERMANENT FILE * * 15. QUIT * * * * Enter choice by number (1-15) 1 <==You enter * * * MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES Entering Company info. Enter 1 so that we can set up the company information. The screen will clear You must now enter the information about your company *************************************************************************** * * * Enter Company Name (Max. 30 Chr.) MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS * * Enter Street Address (Max. 30 Chr.) 63 SUDBURY LANE * * Town State and Zip (Max. 35 Chr.) WESTBURY, NEW YORK 11590 * * Enter Phone Number (Max. 20 Chr.) * * EX. (516) 333-9178 (516) 333-9178 * * How many customers (Maximum 2,500) will you have 1001 * * * Since this is a dummy to start, put in 1001. Later, when you set up your permanent company file, you can use any number up to 2,500. We recommend that you use at least 1,000. The computer will respond with the drive light going on and off and then the first menu will re-appear. Don't be overly concerned if this step takes some time since the computer must write information onto the disk for each of the records (customers) you have chosen to set up. *************************************************************************** * * * You may now: * * * * 1. ENTER OR ADJUST COMPANY INFORMATION <==You want * * 2. ENTER CUSTOMER INFORMATION * * 3. CHANGE CUSTOMER INFORMATION * * 4. ENTER CREDIT TRANSACTIONS * * 5. ENTER DEBIT TRANSACTIONS * * 6. VIEW TRANSACTIONS * * 7. DELETE TRANSACTIONS * * 8. ENTER INVOICES * * 9. PRINT OR VIEW INVOICES * * 10. PRINT REPORTS, STATEMENTS, LABELS * * 11. TRANSFER DATE TO PERMANENT FILE * * 12. CONSOLIDATE MASTER FILE * * 13. YEAR END FILE CLEARANCE AND REPORT * * 14. CHANGE INFORMATION IN THE PERMANENT FILE * * 15. QUIT * * * * Enter choice by number (1-15) 1 <==You enter * * * Type 1 and the computer will respond with: *************************************************************************** * * * Presently the recorded Company information is: * * * * 1 - NAME MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS * * 2 - STREET 63 SUDBURY LANE * * 3 - TOWN, STATE, ZIP WESTBURY, NEW YORK 11590 * * 4 - PHONE NUMBER (516) 333-9178 * * # CUSTOMERS IN THE FILE 0 * * SYSTEM SET TO HANDLE 1001 * * * * Enter the item you wish to change (0 if none) 0 <==You enter * * * MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES Entering Company info. This routine allows you to correct or update your company information. You will NOT be able to change the number of customers assigned. Type 0 Remember, it is zero and not the letter O. The first menu re-appears *************************************************************************** * * * You may now: * * * * 1. ENTER OR ADJUST COMPANY INFORMATION * * 2. ENTER CUSTOMER INFORMATION <==You want * * 3. CHANGE CUSTOMER INFORMATION * * 4. ENTER CREDIT TRANSACTIONS * * 5. ENTER DEBIT TRANSACTIONS * * 6. VIEW TRANSACTIONS * * 7. DELETE TRANSACTIONS * * 8. ENTER INVOICES * * 9. PRINT OR VIEW INVOICES * * 10. PRINT REPORTS, STATEMENTS, LABELS * * 11. TRANSFER DATE TO PERMANENT FILE * * 12. CONSOLIDATE MASTER FILE * * 13. YEAR END FILE CLEARANCE AND REPORT * * 14. CHANGE INFORMATION IN THE PERMANENT FILE * * 15. QUIT * * * * Enter choice by number (1-15) 2 <==You enter * * * The screen clears and you are asked for the first customer's data. *************************************************************************** * * * FOR YOUR INFORMATION: * * * * YOU HAVE SET ASIDE ROOM FOR: 1001 CUSTOMERS * * YOU HAVE DATA IN THE FILE FOR: 0 CUSTOMERS * * ENTER CUSTOMER NAME (MAX. 25 CHRS.) ARTHUR ABLE CO. * * STREET ADDRESS (MAX. 25 CHRS.) 1 FIRST STREET * * TOWN STATE ZIP (MAX. 30 CHRS.) FIRST TOWN, N.Y. 11111 * * PHONE NUMBER (MAX. 10 CHRS.) 2123451111 * * TYPE (R)EG OR (B)AL. FWD. R * * MONTHLY AMOUNT 50 * * TAX (PERCENT) 8 * * ZONE (1 - 8) 1 * * DISCOUNT 0 * * LIMIT (0 IF NONE) 0 * * * * THIS WILL BE ACCOUNT NUMBER 226 * * * * ANOTHER (Y OR N) Y * * * * ENTER CUSTOMER NAME (MAX. 25 CHRS.) _ * * * MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES Entering Customer info. OK. Now you enter nine additional customers noting the following: FISH, GRAND, and HAT will be BALANCE FORWARD customers, Neither ISSAC nor JONES pay any tax, HAT and ISSAC get DISCOUNTS, EVANS and FISH are to be automatically billed $75 per month. Tax zone 1 is for 8%, zone 2 for 7.5%, zone 3 is 7% and zone 4 is 6.5%. JONES has no telephone number. If you indicate 0 tax, the zone is not requested. Enter 0 for the limit in all cases. BILL BANKER, 2 SECOND STREET, SECOND TOWN, N.Y. 22222, 222-1234, (R)eg, 0 Monthly, 7.5 tax, 2 as zone, 0 discount CARL CHARLES, 3 THIRD STREET, THIRD TOWN, N.Y. 33333, 333-4321, (R)eg, 0 monthly, 7 tax, 3 as zone, 0 discount D. DAWKINS, 4 FORTH AVENUE, FORTH TOWN, N.Y. 44444, 444-1357, (R)eg, 0 monthly, 6.5 tax, 4 as zone, 0 discount EDWARD EVANS, 5 5TH AVENUE, FIFTH TOWN, N.Y. 55555, 555-7531, (R)EG, 75 monthly, 8 tax, 1 as zone, 0 discount FRANK FISH, 6 SIXTH STREET, SIXTH TOWN, N.Y. 66666, 666-2468, (B)al, 75 monthly, 7 tax, 3 as zone, 0 discount G. GRAND, 7 SEVENTH STREET, SEVEN TOWN, N.Y. 77777, 777-8642, (B)al, 0 monthly, 6.5 tax, 4 as zone, 0 discount HARRY HAT, 8 EIGHTH STREET, EIGHTH TOWN,N.Y. 88888, 888-2233, (B)al, 0 monthly, 6.5 tax, 4 as zone, 20 discount I. ISSAC, 9 NINTH ROAD, NINTH TOWN, N.Y. 99999, 999-5555, (R)eg, 0 monthly, 0 tax, 25 discount JOHN JONES, 10 TENTH AVENUE, TENTH TOWN,N.Y. 10010, no phone, (R)eg, 0 monthly, 0 tax, 0 discount After entering JOHN JONES' information, indicate that you have no more to enter and the computer will automatically sort the names. Various information may appear on the screen and you will be returned to the Main Menu. *************************************************************************** * * * You may now: * * * * 1. ENTER OR ADJUST COMPANY INFORMATION * * 2. ENTER CUSTOMER INFORMATION * * 3. CHANGE CUSTOMER INFORMATION <==You want * * 4. ENTER CREDIT TRANSACTIONS * * 5. .... * * .... * * 14. CHANGE INFORMATION IN THE PERMANENT FILE * * 15. QUIT * * * * Enter choice by number (1-15) 3 <==You enter * * * MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES Making Changes Let us assume we have the phone number of JOHN JONES, its 123-6677. We now want to put this into John's record so we use option 3 CHANGE CUSTOMER INFORMATION on the Main Menu. Enter 3 and depress RETURN. * * * ENTER CUSTOMER NAME JOHN JONES * * * The screen clears: * * * 1. STREET ADDRESS 10 TENTH AVENUE * * 2. TOWN STATE ZIP TENTH TOWN, N.Y. 10010 * * 3. PHONE NUMBER - * * 4. TYPE OF ACCOUNT R * * 5. MONTHLY AMOUNT 0.00 * * 6. TAX 0 % ZONE IS 1 * * 7. DISCOUNT 0 % * * 8. OWED TO DATE 0.00 * * 9. LIMIT 1,000,000.00 * * * * WHICH TO CHANGE (0 IF NONE) 3 <==You enter * * NEW PHONE NUMBER 123-6677 <==You enter * * * The screen clears and the corrected record appears: * * * 1. STREET ADDRESS 10 TENTH AVENUE * * 2. TOWN STATE ZIP TENTH TOWN, N.Y. 10010 * * 3. PHONE NUMBER 123-6677 * * 4. TYPE OF ACCOUNT R * * 5. MONTHLY AMOUNT 0.00 * * 6. TAX 0 % ZONE IS 1 * * 7. DISCOUNT 0 % * * 8. OWED TO DATE 0.00 * * 9. LIMIT 1,000,000.00 * * * * WHICH TO CHANGE (0 IF NONE) 0 <==You enter * * * Type 0 since the phone number is now correct. This routine can be used to change any data held for any customer. The program returns you to the Main Menu. *************************************************************************** * * * You may now: * * * * 1. ENTER OR ADJUST COMPANY INFORMATION * * 2. ENTER CUSTOMER INFORMATION * * 3. .... * * .... * * 9. PRINT OR VIEW INVOICES * * 10. PRINT REPORTS, STATEMENTS, LABELS <==You want * * 11. TRANSFER DATE TO PERMANENT FILE * * 12. CONSOLIDATE MASTER FILE * * 13. YEAR END FILE CLEARANCE AND REPORT * * 14. CHANGE INFORMATION IN THE PERMANENT FILE * * 15. QUIT * * * * Enter choice by number (1-15) 10 <==You enter * * * MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES Account Number Report Now we are going to print out the customer listing with their assigned account numbers. Remember, that you can enter information or look up information on a customer by either entering their name or their account number. You may find it easier to enter by account number. Selecting option 10 will bring up another menu listing eight additional choices. We want choice number 6 which is the CUSTOMER LISTING. This brings up still another menu 6 more choices. We want the NAMES ONLY WITH ACCOUNT NUMBERS which is choice 1. *************************************************************************** * * * REPORT MENU * * * * 1. TRANSACTION FILE REPORT * * * * 2. PERMANENT FILE REPORT * * * * 3. STATEMENTS * * * * 4. AGING REPORTS * * * * 5. MAILING LABELS * * * * 6. CUSTOMER LISTING <==You want * * * * 7. OVERDUE INFORMATION * * * * 0. TO RETURN TO MASTER MENU * * * * YOUR CHOICE BY NUMBER 6 <==You enter * * * The screen clears and the next menu appears. *************************************************************************** * * * CUSTOMER LISTING REPORT * * * * 1. NAMES ONLY WITH ACCOUNT NUMBERS <==You want * * 2. NAMES, ADDRESSES, PHONE NUMBERS, AND ACCOUNT NUMBERS * * 3. COMPLETE INFORMATION * * 4. NAMES, ACCOUNT NUMBERS AND PRESENT BALANCES * * 5. CALCULATE ONLY TOTALS * * 6. RUN ANOTHER PROGRAM * * * * Enter your choice by number (1-6) 1 <==You enter * * * * DO YOU WANT HARD COPY (Y or N) ? Y <==You enter * * * In order to print the report, you should now make sure that your printer is attached to the computer correctly and that the paper is adjust to the top of a new sheet. If you leave the paper in this position the programs will automatically move to the top of the next sheet when necessary. MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES Account Number Report The following listing should appear. * MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS * * 63 SUDBURY LANE * * WESTBURY, NEW YORK 11590 * * (516) 333-9178 * * * * CUSTOMER LISTING REPORT ON 01/01/88 (Note: The date should be today's)* * * * ARTHUR ABLE CO. ACCT # 226 * * BILL BANKER ACCT # 754 * * CARL CHARLES ACCT # 225 * * D. DAWKINS ACCT # 145 * * EDWARD EVANS ACCT # 299 * * FRANK FISH ACCT # 2 * * G. GRAND ACCT # 577 * * HARRY HAT ACCT # 65 * * I. ISSAC ACCT # 820 * * JOHN JONES ACCT # 146 * Please note that if you had selected N as the answer to the question about Hard Copy the information would have appeared on the screen instead of printed out. Whenever a lengthy report is directed to the screen, the program will break the information into smaller sections and off you time to read the screen. You will usually have the opportunity to simply depress the RETURN key to continue the report or to enter a Q for quit, to end the report. In the next section we will make some debit entries. At this time however, you might want to try looking at some of the other reports generated by the CUSTOMER LISTING REPORT MENU. It is recommended that you run the option to get COMPLETE INFORMATION, choice 3. Since we have no data yet entered into the temporary or permanent file, please do NOT select choices 1 through 4 or choice 7 of the REPORT MENU. *************************************************************************** * * * You may now: * * * * 1. ENTER OR ADJUST COMPANY INFORMATION * * 2. ENTER CUSTOMER INFORMATION * * 3. CHANGE CUSTOMER INFORMATION * * 4. ENTER CREDIT TRANSACTIONS * * 5. ENTER DEBIT TRANSACTIONS <==You want * * 6. VIEW TRANSACTIONS * * 7. .... * * .... * * 14. CHANGE INFORMATION IN MASTER FILE * * 15. QUIT * * * * Enter choice by number (1-15) 5 <==You enter * * * MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES Debit Transactions Let us now enter some debits directly to the customers. The following three debits are to be entered: I. ISSAC came in and bought some tools worth $200.00 retail BILL BANKER required a service call worth $65.00 D. DAWKINS came in for some parts worth $35.00 When we depress 5 the screen clears and: *************************************************************************** * * * ENTER CUSTOMER NAME (MAX. 25 CHRS., R=Repeat) I. ISSAC <==You enter * * After the screen clears we see: *************************************************************************** * * * THIS NAME IS IN THE FILE * * * * I. ISSAC * * * * STREET ADDRESS 9 NINTH ROAD * * TOWN STATE ZIP NINTH TOWN, N.Y. 99999 * * PHONE NUMBER 999-5555 * * TYPE OF ACCOUNT R * * MONTHLY AMOUNT 0.00 * * OWED TO DATE 0.00 * * LIMIT 1,000,000.00 * * * * ENTER AMOUNT OF DEBIT 200 <==You enter * Enter the debit amount of $200.00 without the dollar sign. At this time you will be offered four choices to classify the type of debit. If you select SPECIAL INVOICE you will then be asked to enter an invoice number. Each of the following questions will default to the value offered in the < > if you simply depress the RETURN key. * * * 1. SERVICE CHARGE * * 2. PURCHASE * * 3. MISC. DEBIT * * 4. SPECIAL INVOICE * * * * ENTER NUMBER FOR TYPE OF DEBIT 2 <==You enter * * INCLUDE DISCOUNT OF 25.00% (Y OR N) ? <==Depress RETURN * * ADD TAX OF 0.00% (Y OR N) ? <==Depress RETURN * * FREIGHT CHARGES IF ANY <0> <==Once again * * MISC. CHARGES IF ANY <0> <==Once more * * * The screen clears and we what was entered and are asked to confirm that the information is correct. MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES Debit Transactions * * * I. ISSAC * * * * TODAY'S DATE IS 1/14/88 * * PURCHASE * * AMOUNT OF DEBIT 200.00 * * DISCOUNT -50.00 * * * * TOTAL AMOUNT OF THIS TRANSACTION IS 150.00 * * * * IS THIS CORRECT (Y or N) ? <==Depress RETURN for Y * * * * ENTER ANOTHER (Y or N) ? <==Depress RETURN for Y * Just a reminder, if you simply depress the RETURN key, you accept what is within the < > by default. Sometimes, when entering information, we find that individuals become 'too quick' and tend to hit the RETURN key BEFORE THEY COMPLETELY READ OVER THE SCREEN. After the screen clears we again see: *************************************************************************** * * * ENTER CUSTOMER NAME (MAX. 25 CHRS., R=Repeat) BILL BANKER <==enter * * The screen clears and we see the information about BILL BANKER You enter the information about BILL BANKER, then call up D. DAWKINS and enter his debit transaction. After doing that reply N when asked for another. Remember if you simply depress the value shown in the < > is used. This completes the work of simple debit entries. You can also debit the various clients by entering an invoice. Each invoice has room for a total of 36 entries. You will enter an item code (the program does nothing with this value except show it on the invoice), a description, the quantity and the per item cost. You can also enter a SHIP TO address if it is different than the client's address. OK. Now let us do a couple invoices. BILL BANKER buys 6 #3 widgets from us at $5.65 per widget and 12 Widdle rings at $1.35 each. We want to make up an invoice. G. GRAND buys 25 Window wedges at $3.45 each, 5 Yeo-yeo pins at $4.59 each and 3 Toggle bolts at .37 each. He wants them shipped to W. Parker Co., located at 1 Main Street, Another Town, N.Y. 12345. There will be a freight charge of $2.78 and a miscellaneous charge of $1.50 for a phone call made with regard to this order. Let's enter these two invoices and print them out. We will assume that the first invoice number will be 321. MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES Invoices *************************************************************************** * * * You may now: * * * * 1. ENTER OR ADJUST COMPANY INFORMATION * * 2. ENTER CUSTOMER INFORMATION * * 3. CHANGE CUSTOMER INFORMATION * * 4. ENTER CREDIT TRANSACTIONS * * 5. ENTER DEBIT TRANSACTIONS * * 6. VIEW TRANSACTIONS * * 7. DELETE TRANSACTIONS * * 8. ENTER INVOICES <==You want * * 9. PRINT OR VIEW INVOICES * * 10. .... * * .... * * 14. CHANGE INFORMATION IN THE PERMANENT FILE * * 15. QUIT * * * * Enter choice by number (1-15) 8 <==You enter * * * We don't want to do the automatic invoicing at this time. *************************************************************************** * * * INVOICING TRANSACTIONS * * * * DO YOU WANT TO DO AUTOMATIC INVOICING FOR BILLING (Y OR N) N <=enter * * * Today's date is 1/01/88 * * RETURN if O.K. or ENTER DATE TO USE (MMDDYY) <==You enter * * The last invoice number used was 0 * * * * RETURN if O.K. or enter first INVOICE NUMBER TO USE 321 <==enter * * * The screen clears and we see the familiar: *************************************************************************** * * * ENTER CUSTOMER NAME (MAX. 25 CHRS., R=Repeat) BILL BANKER <==enter * * * * THIS NAME IS IN THE FILE * * * * BILL BANKER * * * * STREET ADDRESS 2 SECOND STREET * * TOWN STATE ZIP SECOND TOWN, N.Y. 22222 * * PHONE NUMBER 222-1234 * * TYPE OF ACCOUNT REGULAR ACCOUNT * * OWED TO DATE 69.88 * * LIMIT 1,000,000.00 * * * * Base Tax on (G)ross or (D)iscounted amount <==enter * * Include Misc. in Tax (Y or N) <==enter * * * * * MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES Invoices * * * Tax is usually 7.50 % CORRECT (Y or N) ? <==enter * * Zone is usually 2 CORRECT (Y or N) ? <==again * * Discount is usually 0.00 % CORRECT (Y or N) ? <==keep * * Freight charges, if any <0> <==on * * Miscellaneous Charges, if any <0> <==going * * * * Do you want to ENTER an INVOICE (Y or N) ? <==enter * * The screen clears and you keep making indicated entries. * * * Is SHIPPING ADDRESS the SAME as BILLING ADDRESS (Y or N) * * ITEM NUMBER 1 ON INVOICE * * ITEM IDENTIFICATION (MAX. 4 CHRS) ABCD * * DESCRIPTION OF ITEM (MAX. 20 CHRS) # 3 WIDGETS * * QUANTITY 6 * * PRICE PER ITEM 5.65 * * IDENT DESCRIPTION PRICE QUANT TOTAL * * * * ABCD # 3 WIDGETS 5.65 6 33.90 * * * * ALL O.K. (Y or N) ? * * ANOTHER ITEM ON THIS INVOICE (Y or N) ? * * ITEM NUMBER 2 ON INVOICE * * ITEM IDENTIFICATION (MAX. 4 CHRS) ABCE * * DESCRIPTION OF ITEM (MAX. 20 CHRS) WIDDLE RINGS * * QUANTITY 12 * * PRICE PER ITEM 1.35 * * IDENT DESCRIPTION PRICE QUANT TOTAL * * * * ABCE WIDDLE RINGS 1.35 12 16.20 * * * * ALL O.K. (Y or N) ? * * ANOTHER ITEM ON THIS INVOICE (Y or N) ? N <==Enter to show * * you are done. * The screen clears and we see the invoice as it will print *************************************************************************** * * * BILL TO: SHIP TO: * * BILL BANKER BILL BANKER * * 2 SECOND STREET 2 SECOND STREET * * SECOND TOWN, NEW YORK 22222 SECOND TOWN, N.Y. 22222 * * * * INVOICE # 321 1/01/84 PAGE 1 * * ====================================================================== * * IDENT DESCRIPTION PRICE NUMBER AMOUNT * * ABCD # 3 WIDGETS 5.65 6 33.90 * * ABCE WIDDLE RINGS 1.35 12 16.20 * * TOTAL AMOUNT FOR ITEMS ON THIS INVOICE 50.10 * * * * TAX 3.76 * * FINAL AMOUNT THIS INVOICE 53.86 * * * * O.K. TO ENTER THIS INVOICE (Y or N) Y <==You must enter the Y * * or the N and then * MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES Invoices The screen clears and we see * * * THIS INVOICE IS BEING PLACED INTO THE FILE * * * * ANOTHER (Y or N) Y <==You must enter the Y or the N * * * * * * ENTER CUSTOMER NAME (MAX. 25 CHRS., R=Repeat) G. GRAND <==enter * * THIS NAME IS IN THE FILE * * * * G. GRAND * * * * STREET ADDRESS 7 SEVENTH STREET * * TOWN STATE ZIP SEVENTH TOWN, N.Y. 77777 * * PHONE NUMBER 777-8642 * * TYPE OF ACCOUNT BALANCE FORWARD * * OWED TO DATE 0.00 * * LIMIT 1,000,000.00 * * * * Base Tax on (G)ross or (D)iscounted amount * * Include Misc. in Tax (Y or N) * * * * Tax is usually 6.50 % CORRECT (Y or N) ? * * Zone is usually 4 CORRECT (Y or N) ? * * Discount is usually 0.00 % CORRECT (Y or N) ? * * Freight charges, if any <0> 2.78 * * Miscellaneous Charges, if any <0> 1.59 * * * * Do you want to ENTER an INVOICE (Y or N) ? * * The screen clears (We are going to stop using <== to show you where to make you entries. Follow the manual and screen closely.) *************************************************************************** * * * Is SHIPPING ADDRESS the SAME as BILLING ADDRESS (Y or N) N * * * * NAME OF COMPANY TO SHIP TO: W. PARKER CO. * * STREET ADDRESS TO SHIP TO: 1 MAIN STREET * * TOWN STATE ZIP TO SHIP TO: ANOTHER TOWN, N.Y. 12345 * * ITEM NUMBER 1 ON INVOICE * * ITEM IDENTIFICATION (MAX. 4 CHRS) BCAC * * DESCRIPTION OF ITEM (MAX. 20 CHRS) WINDOW WEDGES * * QUANTITY 25 * * PRICE PER ITEM 3.45 * * IDENT DESCRIPTION PRICE QUANT TOTAL * * * * BCAC WINDOW WEDGES 3.45 25 86.25 * * * * ALL O.K. (Y or N) ? * * ANOTHER ITEM ON THIS INVOICE (Y or N) ? * * * REMEMBER TO CHECK THE SCREEN BEFORE DEPRESSING THE RETURN KEY. It is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you entered everything correctly and not bothering to check. MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES Invoices * * * ITEM NUMBER 2 ON INVOICE * * ITEM IDENTIFICATION (MAX. 4 CHRS) BEEB * * DESCRIPTION OF ITEM (MAX. 20 CHRS) YEO-YEO PINS * * QUANTITY 5 * * PRICE PER ITEM 4.59 * * IDENT DESCRIPTION PRICE QUANT TOTAL * * * * BEEB YEO-YEO PINS 4.59 5 22.95 * * * * ALL O.K. (Y or N) ? * * ANOTHER ITEM ON THIS INVOICE (Y or N) * * ITEM NUMBER 3 ON INVOICE * * ITEM IDENTIFICATION (MAX. 4 CHRS) AACA * * DESCRIPTION OF ITEM (MAX. 20 CHRS) TOGGLE BOLTS * * QUANTITY 3 * * PRICE PER ITEM .37 * * IDENT DESCRIPTION PRICE QUANT TOTAL * * * * AACA TOGGLE BOLTS 0.37 3 1.11 * * * * ALL O.K. (Y or N) ? * * ANOTHER ITEM ON THIS INVOICE (Y or N) ? N * * * Although we have only entered one item on the invoice you can enter up to thirty-six (36) items per invoice. The screen clears and we see the invoice as it will print *************************************************************************** * * * BILL TO: SHIP TO: * * G. GRAND W. PARKER CO. * * 7 SEVENTH STREET 1 MAIN STREET * * SEVENTH TOWN, N.Y. 77777 ANOTHER TOWN, N.Y. 12345 * * * * INVOICE # 322 1/01/88 PAGE 1 * * ====================================================================== * * IDENT DESCRIPTION PRICE NUMBER AMOUNT * * BCAC WINDOW WEDGES 3.45 25 86.25 * * BEEB YEO-YEO PINS 4.59 5 22.95 * * AACA TOGGLE BOLTS 0.37 3 1.11 * * TOTAL AMOUNT FOR ITEMS ON THIS INVOICE 110.31 * * * * TAX 7.17 * * MISCELLANEOUS 1.50 * * FREIGHT 2.78 * * FINAL AMOUNT THIS INVOICE 121.76 * * * * O.K. TO ENTER THIS INVOICE (Y or N) ? * * * The screen clears and we see * THIS INVOICE IS BEING PLACED INTO THE FILE * * * * ANOTHER (Y or N) N * * DO YOU WANT TO DO AUTOMATIC INVOICING FOR BILLING (Y or N) Y * * * MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES Auto-Invoices NOTE: You should respond Y to the last question. We might as well demonstrate this feature now. Three of the customers have a monthly automatic billing amount, Arthur Able, Edward Evans, and Frank Fish. We do not have to enter invoices for each of them, we simply indicate that we want these automatic bill amounts printed as an invoice (although you don't have to print them if you do not intend to send them out), and the automatic amount should be added to the temporary file so that it will later show up on the statements. *************************************************************************** * * * AUTOMATIC INVOICING TRANSACTIONS * * * * DO YOU WANT INVOICES PRINTED (Y OR N) Y * * * * Are you using (P)re-printed forms, or, * * (B)lank forms ? B * * * We are going to say yes at this point although you may not want to print the invoices if you don't intend to send them out. We also indicate that we are using blank forms rather than pre-printed forms. We want our company name and address to print on the forms. *************************************************************************** * * * Normally the term 'REGULAR BILLING' will appear on invoices * * which are created using the AUTO-BILLING feature. You may * * change this to read something else if you would like. If you * * want to have it read differently, type in what it should read * * using a maximum of 20 characters. If 'REGULAR BILLING' is O.K. * * then simply depress RETURN * * * The computer now advises us of the last invoice used. * The last invoice number used was 322 * * ENTER THE FIRST INVOICE NUMBER (0 IF NONE WANTED) 323 * * * The screen clears (THE PRINTER PRINTS THE AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED INVOICES) * PREPARING INVOICE FOR ARTHUR ABLE CO. * * PREPARING INVOICE FOR EDWARD EVANS * * PREPARING INVOICE FOR FRANK FISH * * * Although only three of the clients are automatically billed, you can see how this feature gives you great speed in the billing process if you have a number of clients who must be billed each month. MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES Auto-Invoices The screen clears and now shows: * SUMMARIES FOR AUTOMATIC BILLING CREATED ON 1/01/88 * * * * TOTAL NUMBER OF INVOICES PREPARED 3 * * * * AMOUNT OF BILLING 200.00 * * * * DISCOUNTS GRANTED 0.00 * * * * ZONE 1 TAXES ADDED 10.00 * * ZONE 3 TAXES ADDED 5.25 * * * * TOTAL TAXES ADDED 15.25 * * * * TOTAL AMOUNT DEBITED 215.25 * * * * BEGINNING INVOICE NUMBER 323 * * LAST INVOICE NUMBER 325 * * DO YOU WANT TO PRINT THIS OUT (Y or N) ? Y * * CHANGE THE PAPER IN THE PRINTER AND DEPRESS RETURN * * * (THE SUMMARIES WILL PRINT) The screen will clear and again we see: *************************************************************************** * * * You may now: * * * * 1. ENTER OR ADJUST COMPANY INFORMATION * * 2. ENTER CUSTOMER INFORMATION * * 3. .... * * .... * * 8. ENTER INVOICES * * 9. PRINT OR VIEW INVOICES <==You want * * 10. PRINT REPORTS, STATEMENTS, LABELS * * 11. TRANSFER DATE TO PERMANENT FILE * * 12. CONSOLIDATE MASTER FILE * * 13. YEAR END FILE CLEARANCE AND REPORT * * 14. CHANGE INFORMATION IN THE PERMANENT FILE * * 15. QUIT * * * * Enter choice by number (1-15) 9 * * * The last command only printed out the invoices prepared by the AUTO- BILLING feature. We still have two invoices to print that we entered before the auto billing was done. Select choice 9, PRINT OR VIEW INVOICES First we will view the two invoices on the screen and then you can print them out. MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES Printing Invoices *************************************************************************** * * * ARE YOU READY TO PRINT INVOICES (Y or N) Y * * * * ENTER THE CODE WORD KNODT * * Today's date is 1/01/88 * * RETURN if O.K. or ENTER DATE TO USE (MMDDYY) * * * * At this time you can either view the invoices which are in the * * temporary invoice file, or you can print out copies of the invoices. * * * * If you do print out all the invoices you will be given the choice of * * printing a second copy for you files. Once you have printed * * all the invoices the file will be cleared so that you can't print the * * invoices a second time by mistake. * * * * If you want to view the invoices in the file, type V, * * If you want to print the invoices in the file, type P, * * If you would rather return to the MASTER MENU, type M. * * Enter your choice at this time (V, P, or M) V * * * We now get a choice of viewing any single invoice or all the invoices. Since you might have a large number of invoices in the file, you are offered a chance to either continue viewing or to quit the viewing process after each invoice is shown on the screen. We want to look at both. * * * If you want to view a single customer, type S, * * If you want to view all the invoices, type A. * * Enter your choice (S or A) A * * * Both invoices appear, one by one, but without the heading so that the information will fit on the screen. Take a look at each and then return to the Master Menu and choose to do this routine over, but indicate that you want the invoices printed rather than viewed. Also get a print out of the summaries. When that is completed continue to the next section. After you have printed one copy of the invoices you will have an opportunity to print another set of invoices if you so desire. If you DO NOT print another set at this time you will have no other opportunity to do so. Do you want to print another copy of the invoices (Y or N) N This feature is included for those users who do not want to use carbon or N.C.R. type invoices. In this way you can print duplicate copies. We again see the Master Menu. Well, the debits and invoices have been entered, now let us enter some credits. MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES Credit Transactions *************************************************************************** * * * You may now: * * * * 1. ENTER OR ADJUST COMPANY INFORMATION * * 2. ENTER CUSTOMER INFORMATION * * 3. CHANGE CUSTOMER INFORMATION * * 4. ENTER CREDIT TRANSACTIONS <==You want * * 5. ENTER DEBIT TRANSACTIONS * * 6. VIEW TRANSACTIONS * * 7. .... * * .... * * 14. CHANGE INFORMATION IN THE PERMANENT FILE * * 15. QUIT * * * * Enter choice by number (1-15) 4 * Let us now imagine that we received payments of $50 from ARTHUR ABLE CO., and $123.74 from BILL BANKER. This will leave a balance of $4.00 for ARTHUR ABLE CO. and will pay off BILL BANKER completely. *************************************************************************** * Today's date is 1/01/88 * * RETURN if O.K. or ENTER DATE TO USE (MMDDYY) * * * * ENTER CUSTOMER NAME (MAX. 25 CHRS., R=Repeat) ARTHUR ABLE CO. * * * * THIS NAME IS IN THE FILE * * * * ARTHUR ABLE CO. * * * * STREET ADDRESS 1 FIRST STREET * * TOWN STATE ZIP FIRST TOWN, NEW YORK 11111 * * PHONE NUMBER 2123451111 * * TYPE OF ACCOUNT REGULAR ACCOUNT * * MONTHLY AMOUNT 50.00 * * OWED TO DATE 54.00 * * LIMIT 1,000,000.00 * * * * ENTER AMOUNT OF CREDIT 50.00 * * ENTER AMOUNT OF DISCOUNT TAKEN IF ANY 0 * * ENTER INVOICE NUMBER, 0 IF NONE 0<>CR> * * IS THIS O.K. TO ENTER (Y OR N) Y * * * * ANOTHER (Y OR N) Y * * * (YOU ENTER THE PAYMENT FROM BILL BANKER OF 123.74) After entering the credit for BILL BANKER and the machine asks if you want to do ANOTHER, indicate NO. MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES Transaction Report ************************************************************************** * * * 1. ENTER OR ADJUST COMPANY INFORMATION * * 2. ENTER CUSTOMER INFORMATION * * 3. .... * * .... * * 9. PRINT OR VIEW INVOICES * * 10. PRINT REPORTS, STATEMENTS, LABELS <==You want * * 11. TRANSFER DATE TO PERMANENT FILE * * 12. CONSOLIDATE MASTER FILE * * 13. YEAR END FILE CLEARANCE AND REPORT * * 14. CHANGE INFORMATION IN MASTER FILE * * 15. QUIT * * * * Enter choice by number (1-15) 10 * * * We are now going to print out the transaction file so that you can see the results of the data entered to this point. *************************************************************************** * * * REPORT MENU * * * * 1. TRANSACTION FILE REPORT <==You want * * * * 2. PERMANENT FILE REPORT * * * * 3. STATEMENTS * * * * 4. AGING REPORTS * * * * 5. MAILING LABELS * * * * 6. CUSTOMER LISTING * * * * 0. TO RETURN TO MASTER MENU * * * * YOUR CHOICE BY NUMBER 1 * * * The screen clears * THIS IS THE TRANSACTION FILE PRINT-OUT * * * * Today's date is 1/01/88 * * RETURN if O.K. or ENTER DATE TO USE (MMDDYY) * * * * This program allows you to print out the transaction file * * which contains all transactions not yet posted to the permanent * * file. You have a choice of printing the entire file or just * * those transactions between certain dates. If you want a single * * date, you can print that out by using the same beginning and * * ending dates when requested. * * * Enter 'A' for all transactions, 'D' for date selection A * (THE TRANSACTION REPORT WILL PRINT OUT) MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES Transferring Files If you have indicated that your printer has compressed print mode available, the computer will instruct the printer to produce this report in that mode. In this way you will get a report on 8-1/2" x 11" paper. After the report has been printed the computer will instruct the printer to return to ordinary 10 characters per inch mode. The screen will clear and return us to the Master Menu *************************************************************************** * * * 1. ENTER OR ADJUST COMPANY INFORMATION * * 2. ENTER CUSTOMER INFORMATION * * 3. .... * * .... * * 9. PRINT OR VIEW INVOICES * * 10. PRINT REPORTS, STATEMENTS, LABELS * * 11. TRANSFER DATE TO PERMANENT FILE <==You want * * 12. CONSOLIDATE MASTER FILE * * 13. YEAR END FILE CLEARANCE AND REPORT * * 14. CHANGE INFORMATION IN MASTER FILE * * 15. QUIT * * * * Enter choice by number (1-15) 11 * * * You must now TRANSFER the TEMPORARY information to the PERMANENT file. * THIS IS THE PROGRAM TO TRANSFER TEMPORARY DATA TO THE PERMANENT FILE * * You should only run this program AFTER you have a print-out of the * Temporary file information. During this transfer the detail will * be lost from the Temporary file. All data in the Permanent file will * be updated correctly. * * YOU MUST INPUT THE CORRECT CODE WORD TO CONTINUE KNODT * * At this time you can make a BACK-UP of your data. * * * * If you want to make a back up copy of your data at this * * time, type BACKUP followed by depressing the ENTER key. * * When the C> PROMPT appears, type BACKUP followed by * * depressing the ENTER key again. * * * * If you don't want to make a back up copy of the data at * * this time, type NO and depress the ENTER key. BACKUP * * * * C>BACKUP * * * If you have created a customer file of more than 1000 and have a reasonable number of transactions entered during the month, there is a good chance that a floppy will not hold all the files for back- up purposes. With this in mind, place a copy of PKXARC.COM and PKXARC.COM into the ACCT-REC sub-directory. The batch file called BACKUP.BAT will use these two programs to compress the files on to a single floppy. There will be room to spare. The batch file called RECOVER.BAT will un-compress the files properly. MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES Transferring Files When you indicate that you want to make a back up copy of the files a number of things happen. Each of the files containing information are compressed into an ARCHIVE file called SAVED.ARC. The SAVED.ARC file is then written to a floppy disk in Drive 'A'. Please be sure that you have a correctly formatted blank disk in Drive 'A'. NOTE: If you ever have to recover this material, boot the system. Type ACCT-REC to get to the Master Menu. Indicate that you are finished for the day. Make sure you have the BACK UP floppy in Drive 'A'. Type RECOVER and the compressed files will be un-compressed and placed back onto the Hard disk. MAKE ABSOLUTELY SURE THAT THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT TO DO BEFORE DOING IT. The RECOVER option will OVER-WRITE the files on your Hard drive. At this point however, don't bother to recover the information. Instead return to the Master Menu and go through the routine a second time, but when it comes time to make the back up copy, indicate NO. The screen will clear and you will see the names of each of the clients appear on the screen as the temporary information is transferred to the permanent file. At this time the temporary file is EMPTIED. * I. ISSAC * BILL BANKER * D. DAWKINS * BILL BANKER * G. GRAND * ARTHUR ABLE CO. * EDWARD EVANS * FRANK FISH * ARTHUR ABLE CO. * BILL BANKER * If we had not printed the Transaction File Report before transferring the information, the permanent file would be updated correctly but we would have no record of the detail from the transactions. Once you transfer information to the permanent file you can no longer get a transaction report. You may decide to make this transfer once a day, every few days, once at week, or even once a month. You can produce a transaction report as often as you want but once transferred to the permanent file the detail information is lost. At this time there are a number of things you might want to do. You may find that running a listing of the permanent file useful. You might want to get a report showing each client and the amount they owe. This report also shows the total outstanding. The next step, after you get the reports, if any, that you want, is to produce your statements. At the Master Menu select option 10, PRINT REPORTS, STATEMENTS, LABELS, and then select option 3 STATEMENTS, from the REPORT MENU. MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES Statements *************************************************************************** * * * 1. ENTER OR ADJUST COMPANY INFORMATION * * 2. ENTER CUSTOMER INFORMATION * * 3. .... * * .... * * 9. PRINT OR VIEW INVOICES * * 10. PRINT REPORTS, STATEMENTS, LABELS <==You want * * 11. TRANSFER DATE TO PERMANENT FILE * * 12. CONSOLIDATE MASTER FILE * * 13. YEAR END FILE CLEARANCE AND REPORT * * 14. CHANGE INFORMATION IN MASTER FILE * * 15. QUIT * * * * Enter choice by number (1-15) 10 * * * * * * REPORT MENU * * * * 1. TRANSACTION FILE REPORT * * * * 2. PERMANENT FILE REPORT * * * * 3. STATEMENTS <==You want * * * * 4. AGING REPORTS * * * * 5. MAILING LABELS * * * * 6. CUSTOMER LISTING * * * * 0. TO RETURN TO MASTER MENU * * * * YOUR CHOICE BY NUMBER 3 * * Of course, you don't have to specifically send statements at the end of the month, you may prefer sending them some other time during the month. The screen clears. Change the date to the end of the month. * THIS IS THE STATEMENT GENERATOR PROGRAM * * * * Today's date is 1/01/88 * * RETURN if O.K. or ENTER DATE TO USE (MMDDYY) 013188 * * * * Normally the term 'REGULAR BILLING' will appear on statements * * which were created using the AUTO-BILLING feature. You may * * change this to read something else if you would like. If you * * want to have it read differently, type in what it should read * * using a maximum of 20 characters. If 'REGULAR BILLING' is O.K. * * then simply depress RETURN * * * * Do you want to split out the tax and show zone (Y or N) N * * * MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES Statements * * * Do you want to: * * 1. Show every individual item still outstanding, * * 2. Show balance forward and only new items * * Enter your choice by number (1 or 2) 1 * * * * Enter (E) to do (E)veryone, * * Enter (A) to do just those with (A)ction, * * Enter (S) to do a (S)ingle customer E * * * * DO YOU WANT TO FLAG THOSE OVER 30 DAYS LATE (Y OR N) ? N * * DO YOU WANT TO FLAG THOSE OVER 60 DAYS LATE (Y OR N) ? N * * * * Are you using (P)re-printed forms, or, * (B)lank forms ? B * * * (THE STATEMENTS PRINT) * * * Change the paper in the printer so that summaries can * * be printed. Enter 0 if you don't want the summaries printed * * simply DEPRESS RETURN if you do want summaries printed. * * (THE SUMMARIES PRINT OUT) If you have not yet done so, get a Permanent File Report which shows all the clients and all the data to this point. Look over the report and you will see that BILL BANKER shows a service charge for $69.88, an invoice number 321 for 53.86 and a credit for -123.74. The balance shows is 0.00. At this time the permanent file is holding all the transactions, both credits and debits. What must now be done is to consolidate the master file. During this process the various debits and credits will be updated. After consolidating the file, run the permanent file listing again and you will see the BILL BANKER shows only a present balance of 0.00. Note that ARTHUR ABLE CO. still shows an outstanding balance on invoice 323 A of 4.00. As you look over the permanent file report you will note that those individuals who are billed automatically each month show the letter 'A' after the invoice number. OK. Now work you way through to the Permanent File Report, print it out, then consolidate the permanent file and finally, print out the Permanent File Report a second time. When you have finished return to the next page. MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES Finishing up At this point you have essentially run through one month. Of course, you only made a small number of entries but you should have the idea of how the system works. You might want to get some of the other reports at this time just to see what kind of information you can generate. You can also try changing data in the permanent file but please heed the warning which appears on the screen. As a final investigation into the system's reports, run the end of year report. When you have completed all the work you want with regard to this dummy company you will want to set everything back to zero and to remove the dummy company. When you have the Master Menu on the screen, type 15 to quit. At the C> prompt simply type ERASE COMPANY and depress the RETURN key. This will remove the dummy company from the Hard Disk. When you next run the programs, you will enter the actual information about the actual company for which you plan to keep records. REMEMBER: Data goes into a temporary file. Invoices are printed from this temporary file. Data is transferred to the permanent file. Statements and reports are produced from the permanent file. The permanent file must be consolidated AFTER statements have been sent. Month end reports can be printed after consolidation. Remember, register your copy. If you have trouble, call: MODERN MICROCOMPUTERS 63 SUDBURY LANE WESTBURY, N.Y. 11590 (516) 333-9178 Business hours are 10:00am to 3:00pm, New York time. REGISTER YOUR COPY - ONLY $20.00 - SUPPORT THE SHAREWARE CONCEPT DID YOU KNOW WE HAVE OTHER SHAREWARE PRODUCTS? MODBILL4 is designed for professional billing. It is very good for accountants, lawyers, consultants and others who must bill their clients both on a regular and irregular basis. It have a unique repetitive billing feature. $20.00 + $2.00 postage and handling. MODSTAT2 is a complete set of statistical programs which can be used at the college or university level. It contains programs which help masters and doctoral students in the design of their investigations and the analysis of their data. Also only $15.00 + $2.00 postage and handling. MODFIN1 is a collection of very useful business and money manipulation programs. Also included are programs to print out W-2's and 1099's. The mortgage comparison program is one of the most useful. This very useful collection is only $15.00 + $2.00 postage and handling.